
When if and while check their conditions, only the boolean true will be considered true. You can convert any value to a boolean using the $istrue function, which considers 0, false, and null to be false, and all other values to be true. Alternatively, you may use $not, which does the opposite.


If expressions evaluate a boolean condition and executes the given expression. Parentheses are not required, nor are braces for a single expression.

if true $print("Condition was true.")

if(true) {
    $print("Condition was true.");


If expressions can also have an else clause.

    $print("Condition was false.")
    $print("Condition was true.")
if(false) {
    //do stuff
else {
   //do lots of other stuff

Since if expressions are expressions, they can easily be chained together in if-else-if expressions.

var x = 1;

if x == 0
    $print("X is zero")
else if x == 1
    $print("X is one.")
else if false {
    //do stuff
else {
    $print("X is something else.")

They do not need to end in an else clause.


While loops while the condition remains true.

var x = 1;

while x < 10 {
    $print(x, "\n");
    x = x + 1; 


Do-while loops ensure the loop is executed at least once.

var x = 1;

do {
    $print(x, "\n");
} while x != 1

do $print(x, "\n") while {
    x = x + 1;
    x < 10;


The switch expression is a series of comparisons to a given expression. The results of the first match are returned, the default clause if there is no match, and null if there are no matches and no default clause.

Note the lack of semicolons after the clauses.

switch 0 {
    0 => "Ah, zero."
    1 => "Hello, one."
    2 => { $print("This was two!"); "two" }
    default => $print("No number I know.")


Goto can be used to jump to a particular label. Details of gotos and the stack is discussed here.

$print("Won't see this")


A try-catch expression can be used for error handling. If an error is thrown (using $throw) within the try block, the catch block will be passed the arguments from $throw.

try {
catch e {

There is also a $rethrow function which can be used within the catch block to throw the same error or a new one.

try {
catch e {
    $rethrow("Something bad happened!");