DragonRuby: Render Targets
Next up in my notes on DragonRuby: render targets!
Weirdly, the documentation on DragonRuby’s render targets is limited to example code. Personally, I prefer prose when I am trying to learn… so here we are!
In DragonRuby, a render target is like an infinite canvas you can render as many regular sprites onto as you want, then manipulate the whole thing as if it is one sprite.
This is especially good for things like tiled backgrounds that are built once and do not change.
Let’s take an example.
Let’s start off very simple and build up.
First, here’s all the code to render a single 250x250 pixel image to the screen:
def tick args
clouds = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
h: 250,
w: 250,
path: 'sprites/cloud.png'
args.outputs.sprites << clouds
More Clouds
Cool, but I’d like to fill the whole window with clouds, so I’m going to tile them.
The code below makes a 6x3 grid of the cloud image.
(In DragonRuby, the screen is always 1280x720. Our grid is 1500x750 but I’m not trying to be too precise with the numbers here.)
def tick args
clouds = []
6.times do |x|
3.times do |y|
clouds << {
x: x * 250,
y: y * 250,
h: 250,
w: 250,
path: 'sprites/cloud.png'
args.outputs.sprites << clouds
Ah… blue clouds. Nice.
On every tick, the code builds up an array of 18 sprites (images) and renders it out to the screen.
(There are a number of ways to make this more efficient - check out the previous posts in this series for different ways to “cache” the sprite information.)
Render Targets
But in this post we are talking about render targets - which is a way of rendering a bunch of sprites (or any other renderable thing) just once, and then treating the whole group of sprites as a single sprite. This is faster, simpler, and enables some neat effects.
The code only needs minor changes to switch the cloud grid to using a render target instead:
# Move cloud grid creation into a helper method
def make_clouds(args)
clouds = []
6.times do |x|
3.times do |y|
clouds << {
x: x * 250,
y: y * 250,
h: 250,
w: 250,
path: 'sprites/cloud.png'
# Similar to `args.outputs`,
# render targets have `.sprites`, `.solids`, etc.
# The argument will be used as the path below
args.render_target(:clouds).sprites << clouds
def tick(args)
# Set up the render target on the first tick
if args.tick_count == 0
# Output a single sprite
# located at 0,0 and the size of the whole grid
# created in `make_clouds`
args.outputs.sprites << {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 250 * 6,
h: 250 * 3,
path: :clouds # Name of the render target!
For convenience, the code above moves the creation of the cloud grid and the render target into a helper method which gets called on the first tick of the game.
automatically creates a new render target named :clouds
if it does not already exist. Then we can render things to it just as if it were args.outputs
Interestingly, render targets do not seem to have an innate width or height. In order to avoid unintentional scaling, you will need to “know” how big the render target is. In this case, we know it is a 6x3 grid of 250x250 images, so the size is fairly straightforward. I left the math in to make it clearer.
Finally, we reference the render target similarly to an image file, but pass in the name of the render target as the :path
instead of an actual file path.
Static Sprites, Too!
As explored in a different post, we can use static_sprites
to “render” the sprite once.
# No changes here
def make_clouds(args)
clouds = []
6.times do |x|
3.times do |y|
clouds << {
x: x * 250,
y: y * 250,
h: 250,
w: 250,
path: 'sprites/cloud.png'
args.render_target(:clouds).sprites << clouds
def tick(args)
if args.tick_count == 0
# Create the clouds sprite once
# and keep it in `args.state`.
args.state.clouds = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 250 * 6,
h: 250 * 3,
path: :clouds
# Add the clouds sprite just once
# as a "static" sprite
args.outputs.static_sprites << args.state.clouds
And now we can move the clouds around just by changing the attributes on the render target.
Adding a little bit of code at the end of tick
args.state.clouds.x = (Math.sin(args.tick_count / 20) * 100) - 100
(The calculation and numbers aren’t really important here, I just fiddled around until something looked decent.)
Oh hey! Those extra pixels on the sides of the cloud grid actually came in handy.
What Else?
Remember, the entire render target is like one sprite now. That means all the regular sprite attributes (e.g. color, size, blending, flipping, rotation) can be applied to the entire thing at once.
Wait, did you say rotation?
Sure, let’s make ourselves dizzy.
args.state.clouds.angle = (Math.sin(args.tick_count / 120) * 180)
Okay, that’s as deep as we’ll go on render targets in this post!
DragonRuby: Object-Oriented Starter
I enjoy playing with the DragonRuby Game Toolkit, but the documentation and many of the examples are very much intended for non-Rubyists. Additionally, as a game engine, it’s more data/functionally-oriented than most Rubyists are used to. For example, the main game loop in the tick
method needs to be implemented as a top-level method.
This post walks through structuring a game in a way that is a little more familiar to Rubyists.
Caveat! I am new to DragonRuby myself and this is not meant to be the “correct” or “best” or even “great” way to organize your code. It’s just a pattern I’ve started using and it might be useful for you!
(By the way, while DragonRuby is a commercial product, you can often grab a free copy. Keep an eye out for sales!)
Starting Example
First, let’s start with some code that isn’t using any class definitions at all. Everything happens inside tick
def tick(args)
# Set up player object
args.state.player ||= {
x: args.grid.w / 2,
y: args.grid.h / 2,
w: 20,
h: 20,
# Move player based on keyboard input
if args.inputs.keyboard.left
args.state.player.x -= 10
elsif args.inputs.keyboard.right
args.state.player.x += 10
elsif args.inputs.keyboard.down
args.state.player.y -= 10
elsif args.inputs.keyboard.up
args.state.player.y += 10
# Render the "player" as a square to the screen
args.outputs.solids << args.state.player
As a reminder, DragonRuby automatically loads up code from a file called mygame/app/main.rb
and then calls tick
60 times per second.
is like an OpenStruct where you can add on whatever attributes you want and store whatever you would like. In this case, we add a hash that we name player
The code then checks for keyboard input and adjusts the position of the “player”. (To keep things very simple, we don’t worry about keeping the player on the screen.)
Finally, we render the “player” as a solid square.
This is simple enough and the code isn’t too complicated. But, just for fun, let’s slowly transform it to be a little more “object-oriented”.
Game Object
First, let’s create a main “game” object to hold our logic, instead of putting it all in tick
class MyGame
# Adds convenience methods for args, gtk, keyboard, etc.
def initialize(args)
args.state.player = {
x: args.grid.w / 2,
y: args.grid.h / 2,
w: 20,
h: 20,
def tick
if keyboard.left
state.player.x -= 10
elsif keyboard.right
state.player.x += 10
elsif keyboard.down
state.player.y -= 10
elsif keyboard.up
state.player.y += 10
outputs.solids << state.player
def tick args
$my_game ||= MyGame.new(args)
$my_game.args = args
Now the tick
method only sets up the global $my_game
on the first tick, then sets args
on each tick and calls the game’s tick
(Tangent alert! Is it necessary to set args
on every tick? Not strictly - you could set self.args = args
in initialize
and it will work okay. But if you want to use DragonRuby’s unit test framework, it may cause problems because each test has a fresh copy of args
Using attr_gtk
allows the code to be a bit shorter. args
, state
, keyboard
, and more now have convenience methods for them.
Instance Variables Instead of State
is essentially a global variable space. This is a big convenience when a game is all top-level methods - otherwise you would have to figure out where to stash all your game state yourself.
However, it’s not required to use it.
The code below uses @player
to store the player hash, instead of args.state
class MyGame
attr_reader :player
def initialize(args)
@player = {
x: args.grid.w / 2,
y: args.grid.h / 2,
w: 20,
h: 20,
def tick
if keyboard.left
player.x -= 10
elsif keyboard.right
player.x += 10
elsif keyboard.down
player.y -= 10
elsif keyboard.up
player.y += 10
outputs.solids << player
def tick args
$my_game ||= MyGame.new(args)
$my_game.args = args
One thing that has thrown me off with DragonRuby is understanding just how much “regular” Ruby I can use. For the most part, other than how the tick
method is used as the main game loop, you can use the Ruby language constructs you are comfortable with.
Splitting Things Up
No big change here, but as a game grows it’s easier to split the steps of each game loop into different methods.
class MyGame
attr_reader :player
def initialize(args)
@player = {
x: args.grid.w / 2,
y: args.grid.h / 2,
w: 20,
h: 20,
def tick
def handle_input
if keyboard.left
player.x -= 10
elsif keyboard.right
player.x += 10
elsif keyboard.down
player.y -= 10
elsif keyboard.up
player.y += 10
def render
outputs.solids << player
def tick args
$my_game ||= MyGame.new(args)
$my_game.args = args
Player Class
Final step in this post - let’s move the “player” out to a separate class.
In this example, it might not make a lot of sense. But in most games there will be a lot of state and logic you might want to associate with the “player” or any other objects in the game. Having it be its own class helps keep the logic in one place.
class MyGame
attr_reader :player
def initialize(args)
@player = Player.new(args.grid.w / 2, args.grid.h / 2)
def tick
def handle_input
if keyboard.left
player.x -= 10
elsif keyboard.right
player.x += 10
elsif keyboard.down
player.y -= 10
elsif keyboard.up
player.y += 10
def render
outputs.solids << player
class Player
def initialize(x, y)
@x = x
@y = y
@w = 20
@h = 20
def tick args
$my_game ||= MyGame.new(args)
$my_game.args = args
Here the code uses another DragonRuby convenience. attr_sprite
adds a bunch of helper methods that allow you to use any object as a sprite/solid/border, etc. (Note that the code still passes player
into outputs.solids
and DragonRuby treats it as a solid. If it were passed into outputs.sprites
then it would be treated like a sprite instead!)
Separate Files?
For the sake of a blog post, all the code is together. But there is no reason not to start splitting the code across separate files.
But! In DragonRuby there is one weirdness with require
: you must include the file extension (usually .rb
), while in regular Ruby that is usually omitted.
Wrapping Up
Did our code become longer and less straight-forward? Yes, for this small example, definitely.
But as a game (or any project) grows, pulling bits out into modular pieces is going to be an advantage. Personally I fall back on this structure pretty quickly when I start a new DragonRuby project.
Hopefully this post is useful to Rubyists trying to get into DragonRuby!
DragonRuby: Static Outputs
In a previous post we looked at different ways to render outputs (sprites, rectangles, lines, etc.) in the DragonRuby Game Toolkit.
The post ended by hinting at a more efficient way to render outputs instead of adding them to e.g. args.outputs.solids
or args.outputs.sprites
each tick.
This post explores the world of “static outputs”!
Static What?
First of all, we should address the most confusing part of all this.
“Static” does not mean the images don’t move or change. Instead, it means that render “queue” is not cleared after every tick.
Normally, one would load up the queue each tick, like this:
def tick args
# Render a black rectangle
args.outputs.solids << {
x: 100,
y: 200,
w: 300, # width
h: 400 # height
But this is kind of wasteful. We are creating a new hash table each tick (60 ticks/second) and then throwing it away. Also each tick we are filling up the args.outputs.solids
queue and then emptying it.
Instead, why not create the hash table once, load up the queue once, and then re-use them?
That’s the idea of static outputs!
There are static versions for each rendered type:
Going Static
Starting Out
Here’s an example with comments explaining what the code is doing. This “game” simply moves a square back and forth across the screen. This is the entire program!
def tick args
# Initialize the x location of the square
args.state.x ||= 0
# Initialize the direction/velocity
args.state.direction ||= 10
# If we hit the sides, change direction
if args.state.x > args.grid.right or args.state.x < args.grid.left
args.state.direction = -args.state.direction
# Update the x location
args.state.x += args.state.direction
# Build the square
square = {
x: args.state.x,
y: 400,
w: 40,
h: 40,
# Add the square to the render queue
args.outputs.solids << square
The resulting output looks like:
This example introduces args.state
. This is basically a persistent bag you can throw anything into. (For Rubyists - this is like OpenStruct.)
and direction
are not special, they are just variables we are defining. We use ||=
to initialize them because we only want to set the values on the first tick.
This example illustrates the point from above - every tick it creates a new square and adds it to the queue. The queue is emptied out and then the code starts all over again.
Seems wasteful, right?
Caching the Objects
First thing I think of is - “why not create the square once, then just update the object each tick? Does that work?” Yes! It does.
def tick args
args.state.direction ||= 10
args.state.square ||= {
x: 0,
y: 400,
w: 40,
h: 40,
if args.state.square[:x] > args.grid.right or args.state.square[:x] < args.grid.left
args.state.direction = -args.state.direction
args.state.square[:x] += args.state.direction
args.outputs.solids << args.state.square
In this code, we create the square
only once and then store it in args.state.square
Instead of having a separate x
variable, the code updates the x
property on the square directly.
This is better, but we are still updating args.outputs.solids
each tick.
Full Static
def tick args
args.state.direction ||= 10
args.state.square ||= {
x: 0,
y: 400,
w: 40,
h: 40,
# On the first tick, add the square to the render queue
if args.tick_count == 0
args.outputs.static_solids << args.state.square
if args.state.square[:x] > args.grid.right or args.state.square[:x] < args.grid.left
args.state.direction = -args.state.direction
args.state.square[:x] += args.state.direction
In this code, we use the fact that the first args.tick_count
is 0
to add the square
to args.outputs.static_solids
just once. It will continue to be rendered on each tick.
Intuitively, since the code is doing less, it should be faster. But does it really make a difference?
It depends on your game, how much it’s doing per tick, how many sprites you are rendering, and what platform/hardware it’s running on.
The examples above? Not going to see any difference using static_solids
But DragonRuby contains two examples that directly compare args.outputs.sprites
vs. args.outputs.static_sprites
(here and here).
In these examples, you can play with the number of “stars” rendered to see different performance. On my ancient laptop, I do not see a performance difference until around 3,000 stars.
Your mileage may vary, though!
Should I Always Use the Static Versions?
It depends! Probably not?
If your code mainly manipulates the same objects around the screen and always renders them in the same order, then using the static_
approach might be simpler and faster.
But in many cases it might be easier to simply set up the render queues each tick, especially if the objects rendered or their ordering change regularly. Otherwise, managing the state of the rendering queues can become cumbersome. (We haven’t even talked about clearing the static queues, for example.)
Some of this comes down to personal preference and how you would like to structure your code. But hopefully this post has helped explain how to use the args.outputs.static_*
methods in your game!